I wish – Weekly Photograph Challenge


If your Fairy Godmother offered you three wishes what would you wish for apart from the obvious World Peace, end to suffering, starvation etc. If you could get three personal wishes for you and only you what would they be?

This is a hard one to think of without being superficial but I think I know what I would wish for from two of my three.

Firstly I wish I could have another conversation with my dad. I would love to tell him all that’s happened since we lost him. I’m sure he’d be the proudest Grandpa in the world when he hears about how happy and well his grandchildren are doing as they enterĀ into adulthood. I hope he’d be proud of me too. He missed more than half of my life when he moved to another country (continent) then when we moved to be near him he died within 2 years. I would love to just go hang out with him for a day, talking and just spending time with him.

My second with would be to have a Transporter (Star Trek for non-nerds) I would love to be able to transport back to Scotland a couple of times a week. I could go for coffee with my friends, I would babysit my nephews, I would shop for all the food I miss. It looks like my son will end up studying Physics for his career – I must tell him to make Transporter technology his number one priority. We could have a big blogging party – how cool would that be?

Being unable to come up with something else at the moment I think I would keep my third wish for an emergency. Nothing like having some money (wishes) in the bank to make you feel safe and secure.

So come on Blogging Friends, what would your three wishes be from the good Fairy Alba?

A good match: WPC

The first thing that jumped to mind for this week’s photo challenge was colour combinations that match or complement each other. As a graphic designer I’ve come across some horrific colour parings and some stunning ones. You may think but there’s only so many ways you can pair colours up, and this is true, but it’s the subtle variations in tones and hues that make the colours match. Or not.

Maybe that’s why I have such a problem with paint colours. My husband says I should go into the DIY store, buy the first colour of paint I like then throw it in the bin, then go buy another colour as I nearly always repaint over the first choice I make. I can’t help it, what looks good in swatches and trials never looks how I imagine it will look in a whole room. *sigh*

Anyway I thought I would go through my stock photos plus also take some new photos with matching colours and do a big lovely post about colours…. this is SO not happening! Not only am I running out of time, but work (real work that pays money) is once again getting in the way of online fun.

So here is my one pathetic photograph about matching colours – orange and yellow in this case. 2 colours that only nature can do justice to side-by-side. That was to have been the second part of my post; the colours that match/complement each other in nature. Maybe I’ll save that idea for a future post.

If you think this post is a bit rambly then don’t get me started on fonts!! My daughter got a wedding invitation in this week with six different fonts…. 6 DIFFERENT FONTS!!! *shaking my head*

Orange and yellow – a good match (macro of tulip petals incase you were wondering)

A Good Match