Leibster Award

I’d like to thank Ciara for nominating me for a Leibster Award and am constantly surprised when anyone thinks my blog is interesting enough to read. I’d also like to thank those who land on here by accident and push my figures up into double-digits. Y’all rock!


Y’know I’m not one to follow rules much, but this time I’ll be good and stick to the proper formula for this award and answer the questions Ciara posted as sensibly as I know how. Plus as this is (supposed to be) a photography blog how can I incorporate a pic into each question? Well, I can’t so I’m just throwing up a random shot of a Blue Bunting that crash landed into my window a while back. I get it Blue Bunting. I crash-land into things quite regularly. I sympathise with you. It lived btw.


Anyway Questions. Here we go.

1) Why do you write?
Emm, I really only write to talk about my photographs. Sometimes I go off on tangents, but mostly it’s related to the pic. Well sometimes. Maybe. Oh all right, I just talk about whatever. I don’t know…. so much pressure!!!

2) Which of your own blog posts should people read if they want to really know you?
Wow, these are hard! This one kind of sums up my life pretty well though Accidents and nekkidness

3) Best hybrid animal and why?
Penguin and Giraffe. Why not?

4) Flowers or chocolate?
Can’t I have both? *sad face* I do love getting flowers (or buying them for myself) but I guess if I really have to choose it would be chocolate.

5) What was your favorite childhood toy?
Roller skates. I used to wear them everywhere, even to the library where I would pretend to walk in them until the librarian wasn’t watching then I’d skate around the bookshelves.

6) What is one thing about your life that you would change?
The fact that Star Trek-style Transporters aren’t real. I wish I could instantly travel halfway across the world to meet up with friends for coffee. Oh, you want a real answer. Well, I don’t think I’d change anything. Maybe I’d like to be able to sing.

7) Who is your favorite writer?
Now that really IS an impossible answer. I’m a total book-nerd. I’m in two book clubs and I will read just about anything. I probably love fantasy and sci-fi best, followed by mysteries and don’t really enjoy non-fiction as much. I like to escape from reality and fighting dragons and flying half-way across the universe is pretty much the best way to escape I can think of. A friend sent me this quote the other day there, which pretty much sums me up.

To the girl who reads by flashlight, who sees dragons in the clouds, who feels most alive in worlds that never were, who knows magic is real, who dreams. This is for you.

Nice eh?

8) Are you crafty? (Either ‘cunning’ or ‘able to make crafts’)
Yes I am. The second version.

9) What movie do you like to watch over and over? Why?
The Matrix. Because there is no spoon and you’ve always got to watch out for those black cats!

10) What makes you laugh?
My friends, my family, funny dog memes on the internet.


So now I have to nominate people to answer my questions – Go on, go on, go on. You know you want to Rover, Dookes, Mike, Miriam, Curtis, Silver Fox, Lili, Pete, Abrie and anyone else I’ve forgotten or who just wants to answer my questions (you’re supposed to nominate 11).


  1. Why do you blog? (have to throw in a blogging questions, seeing as this IS a blog after all!)
  2. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
  3. Star Wars or Star Trek (remember this might be the most important question on here!)
  4. Favourite movie?
  5. Favourite book?
  6. Favourite song? (not being lazy, I’m genuinely curious)
  7. Do you like to cook and what do is your best dish?
  8. What makes you laugh?
  9. Most embarassing moment?
  10. Singing or dancing?
  11. T-Rex or Dragons?