Crocodile Dundee…

Or maybe that should be Alligator Alba? Anyways here’s some alligators from my recent adventures in the Florida Swamplands.

*Note no alligators were harmed in the taking of these pictures.

**Also note, no humans were harmed in the taking of these pictures.


Just swimming along, minding my own business when I’m disturbed by cameras and people going “ALLIGATOR!” Blooming humans!!


Say “Cheese” for the camera.


You know what they say – Never trust a smile on a crocodile. But Alligators are OK. Aren’t they? You can trust their smiles?!?


So calm, so inviting…. MUST….NOT…PADDLE….


That is one trusting (or dumb) bird!


He has his beady eye on me…!!!!


Florida swamp – Myakka River State Park actually


Pretending to be a log…. we can see you!!


Not an alligator. Not even when you grow up will you be an alligator. Arry, yer a lizard!


Mr. Alba is SO trusting… “Go a little bit nearer dear, it’s for the photograph!”… hehee




Doesn’t it look great? We also canoed up a river with alligators (Wekiwa Cold Springs State Park) but we didn’t see any alligators when we were on the river. Which is a good job as I had my 10 year old nephew in my canoe and I don’t think there is much meat on him. I’d make a much better lunch for an alligator! :-/


Swamps can be beautiful too


You know, it hadn’t even crossed my mind to molest an alligator….

13 thoughts on “Crocodile Dundee…

  1. I am not a fan of swamps – esp in Florida. There are YUGE pythons because stupid people bought baby pythons and decided they didn’t want to feed them mice anymore so let them go in the swamp. It’s a big problem for the natural fauna. And AGMA!

    The gators range all the way up through Georgia (my state) and into the coastal Carolina areas. There was a woman killed by an alligator in Hilton Head, SC a few weeks ago. The gator tried to get her little dog and she tried to fight the gator off. She lost.

    But you’re pictures are quite lovely! šŸ™‚

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    1. Oh, that’s horrible! I can assure you if I thought that the alligator showed any sign of life AT ALL, we would have been out of there in a shot. I wasn’t even 100% sure it was alive… We were actually only about 6 feet from the car, which had all the doors open and the engine running, so were quite safe. Well Mr. Alba was safe-ish šŸ˜‰ I don’t think I’d want to see a YUGE python though šŸ˜¦


  2. Alligator Alba and her trusting Mr Alba. I note that Mrs Alligator is not brave enough to add the other quality which she described the trusting bird with, to Mr Alba – side woman!
    Alba you molested the alligators by taking photos of them without their permission – shame on you!!
    That must be what it means any other ?!

    Good to “see” you again Alba

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “side” woman. No idea how that happened. Having done an inspection in loco on my qwerty keyboard I note that the W S and D are neighbours and Sherlock Holmes would probably be able to deduct how wise became side. But hey it could be worse, I may have typed wide!!

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