Photo 101: Landscape

Or alternatively titled ‘The most boring landscape in the world’

A landscape… In Illinois??? Last year while doing this course I used quite a lot of my stock images – The Grand Canyon, The Scottish Highlands etc., but this year I’m doing all the challenges on the actual day and trying to look at my surroundings with a fresh eye. How to make life hard for myself! So today dawned dull and grey but at least it’s not raining (yet!) so off I went to look for something interesting to photograph. Wellllllllll, that didn’t happen. So I’ve decided to claim the Blogging prize for the most boring landscape on the Internet. I think I’m in with a pretty good chance, even though I do say so myself! Fingers crossed peeps X

tree landscape
It’s a tree. And a ploughed field. It’s flat. It’s Illinois!

20 thoughts on “Photo 101: Landscape

  1. I like this photo, not boring at all. It’s quite interesting when you really look at it, from the darkness of the sky to the one tree that is dark then a little light at the base. To the patterns in the ground in the fields. Anyways that’s just my take on it, thanks for sharing. 🙂

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  2. I agree, cropping the green and emphasising the shape a little more widescreen would improve this photo. It might be worth trying B&W with upping the contrast to bring those clouds out. Otherwise it is fine as it is. I struggle with landscapes myself, they never quite capture what I’m looking at.

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  3. Ya know, knowing the great state of Illinois as I do, I think you did pretty well. I’ve certainly seen landscape more, shall we say “tedious,” than that!
    Ok it’s not the Scottish Highlands, but hey girl, you are sticking to our self imposed rules and that deserves a Creme Egg! 😜🐣

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  4. You know what – I think whatever landscape you live in becomes your “boring”. I agree with the others – can’t find anything dull in this at all, love the ploughed pattern, beautiful tree outline, grass as contrast. I like it very much.

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